

Software information


Freeware (Free)


07 Jan 2019


Scott Brogden



Software Screenshots

Size: 15 MB

Downloads: 8324

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 19 Nov 2012

Ditto is an easy to use program that extends the functionality provided by the Windows clipboard. It does this by keeping track of the last 10 things you copy to the clipboard and by allowing you to quickly paste them into the application of your choosing. If you have a text editor open and you double click on an entry in the Quick Paste window, then that entry will be pasted into the editor.

Getting Ditto up and running on your Windows-powered machine is a standard process that will not pose a problem to anyone. As expected, you have to download an executable, run that executable, then click through the onscreen instructions presented by a setup wizard. Before you know it, you will have Ditto installed in the language of your choice and ready to be used.

While the clipboard extender is running, you will see a Ditto icon in the system tray. Click it and you will be presented with the Quick Paste window that lists the last 10 things copied to the clipboard. Right click the system tray icon or right click within the Quick Paste window and the context menu that shows up will present you with links to numerous features, including a link to the Options menu. From Options -> Quickpaste you can change the way Ditto looks by choosing one of several built-in themes.

Using Ditto is a very simple thing. Anything you copy to the clipboard (it can be text, images, HTML, and anything else you can copy to the clipboard) is automatically stored by the application and presented to you in the Quick Paste window. You can then edit the entries in the Quick Paste window, remove them, or paste them into a text editor, browser, or another application. You can easily do this using the mouse or using hotkeys.

You can use Ditto free of charge for as long as you want. If you like it, consider making a donation.

Without parting with your money, you get a user friendly, efficient, and powerful clipboard extender. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to get Ditto.

Ditto provides support for numerous languages. Use themes to change the way the application looks. Use hotkeys to access the application’s functionality. Ditto is a user friendly and powerful clipboard extender that does not cost a thing.

None that I could think of.



Ditto Awards

Ditto Editor’s Review Rating

Ditto has been reviewed by George Norman on 19 Nov 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Ditto 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5